Sunday, July 31, 2011

Is the only way to solve the debt ceiling through a crisis?

The European visionary Jean Monnet once quipped that “people only accept change when they are faced with necessity, and only recognize necessity when a crisis is upon them.”

Would we be better off if the debt ceiling was passed months again without any national discussion? How can we have any talk of cutting expenditures without some discussion on actions that will bind behavior? Why hasn't there been any discussion on current cuts in expenditures? Why did Congress and the president cut taxes at the end of the year but want to increase them now? How is the current talk at all related to job creation? How come we have not heard anything about the slow growth problem?

Th discussion and crisis has been good for the country but we still have not been able to focus on solving the problem? Perhaps the crisis should continue until we have that meaningful discussion.

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